The Emotional Component of Mesothelioma

At Kaiser Gornick LLP, our attorneys have extensive experience helping our California clients obtain justice and compensation for mesothelioma. We have learned about the many challenges that the victims of mesothelioma face. With the challenges surrounding medical treatment and filing a claim, many people forget about the emotional component. However, it is essential to take care of your emotional and psychological well-being as you are working toward legal and medical solutions.

After diagnosis and during treatment, you will face a range of emotions, and it is important to remember that fighting cancer will produce both strong and weak days. You should also know that there are many resources available to assist you in the fight.

Support Networks

Many patients and their families seek counseling from outside sources such as:

  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Local ministers
  • Hospital chaplains
  • Social workers
  • Social services (meals on wheels, home help, etc.)

Patients, in particular, often find it beneficial to talk to someone who is not a family member. Here are some of the advantages of speaking to someone who is not a relative:

  • You will not have to worry about upsetting a counselor.
  • He or she will not judge you or your actions.
  • It might be easier to sort out and discuss your deepest feelings.
  • Your discussion will be confidential.
  • A counselor will not just say what he or she thinks you want to hear.

A good support counselor will:

  • Listen to what you say
  • Not interrupt you
  • Help you make sense out of your feelings and worries
  • Help you uncover hidden feelings
  • Help you express your emotions in your own way
  • Help you find your own solutions to problems
  • Help you accept what cannot be changed
  • Support you while you do all of these things

If you do decide to take advantage of these resources, you should always remember that this is not a sign of weakness and does not mean that you are incapable of handling the situation.

Finding a Support Counselor

Most cancer centers have counselors on site, and some have staff psychologists or psychiatrists. Most hospitals have a chaplain or clergy as well. You should investigate what support is available at your hospital before seeking help elsewhere.

Contact Kaiser Gornick LLP ∙ California Mesothelioma Attorneys

From our San Francisco Bay Area offices, our attorneys offer free initial consultations, and we handle all mesothelioma cases on a contingency basis. We do not ask our clients to pay attorney fees until we have obtained full and fair compensation for their claims.

Contact us at (800) 824-8234 to speak with an attorney or schedule a free initial consultation online.